Here at Elliot Rhodes we have always been fond of our mock croc effect belts€¦this incarnation takes us back some 12 years to when we started out and over the last year we have gradually been resurrecting it in some new colour tones. For this season we have introduced this vibrant Purple tone that we feel will be an excellent and versatile addition to any wardrobe. As with so many of our mock croc belts this belt has the wonderful advantage of a range of berry tones which when added to the texture with its mix of smooth flank, raised spines and darker veins gives the belt some real character and depth. Of course you may wonder when you will use a purple belt - well, to my mind it is ideal to liven up denim and a fun colour to perk up black, white or grey. We opted to let the strap do most of the talking but liked the addition of this sleek gunmetal flattened C buckle which is discreet but very distinctive. Why gunmetal? We like how it works with the darker tones of the leather and does not distract the eye too much from the belt colour. Go on, have some fun and add this belt to your belt armoury!